2022年9月27日 星期二

下載 Taikoo Social 可免費享用 The Baker and The Bottleman 美食及飲品(至9月30號)

 【英式傳統麵包糕點 「送」到你口中】 

想一嚐正宗英國傳統麵包糕點滋味, 糖廠街市集就是你的目的地。憑藉傳統匠心工藝,The Baker and The Bottleman 為每件烘焙食品賦予濃厚英國風味。精挑細選各款時令食材,並與當地專業供應商合作,巧手製作一系列優質麵包糕點,當中市集限定美食「三黃雞麵包」、「三黃雞沙律」,以及招牌「巨型曲奇」更是必食之選! 

若然你之前還未享用換領優惠,今次絕對不容錯過!由即日起至9月30日,凡追蹤糖廠街市集及太古坊的 Instagram 帳戶 (@tcsmarkethk | @taikooplace_hk) 並下載 Taikoo Social,即可免費享用 The Baker and The Bottleman 的美食及飲品 (價值 HK$80 內)。 

HK$80 電子美食券換領詳情 - The Baker and The Bottleman



名額:150個 (先到先得,換完即止)   

詳情請瀏覽 Taikoo Social:https://bit.ly/3pW8yKC  






#TaikooPlace #太古坊 #tcsmarkethk #糖廠街市集 #BiteToChange #regenerativefarming #climatechange 

【Baked by Britain】 

If you’re craving for the taste of traditional British baked goods, Tong Chong Street Market is the best place to go! The Baker and The Bottleman produces artisan baked goods imbued with British flavours. By sourcing seasonal ingredients from local suppliers, every piece of bread and pastry is a work of craftsmanship. Try their mouthwatering TCSM exclusive items, including the Three Yellow Chicken Bun, Three Yellow Chicken Salad, as well as their signature Giant Cookies! 

Remember to redeem your Taikoo Social offer! From today till 30 Sep , follow TCSM and Taikoo Place on Instagram and download Taikoo Social to enjoy a free order from The Baker and The Bottleman (any item within HK$80)! 

HK$80 E-voucher Redemption - The Baker and The Bottleman 

Date: Today till 30 Sep  

Time: 11am - 3pm  

Quota: 150 (first come first served)  

More details on Taikoo Social: https://bit.ly/3pW8yKC 

Tong Chong Street Market Details  

Date: Today till 28 Oct, Monday to Friday (Except public holidays)  

Time: 8am - 3pm  

Location: G/F, One Taikoo Place   

Details: https://bit.ly/3PYbKzV  

Terms and conditions apply. 

#TaikooPlace #太古坊 #tcsmarkethk #糖廠街市集 #BiteToChange #regenerativefarming #climatechange



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