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【Versace Special Sale✨】
今個Weekend,崇光有好節目推介🤩!Versace Special Sale現於崇光銅鑼灣店21/F崇光宴會廳火熱進行中,當中精選貨品低至1折,一於約埋巴打閨蜜,齊齊掃貨以新形象示人,成為秋日時尚Super Star啦😎!
【Versace Special Sale✨】
This weekend, SOGO has prepared something exciting for you🤩! Versace Special Sale is now on at the SOGO Ballroom on 21/F SOGO Causeway Bay store. Selected items are available at up to 90% off. Grab your friends to come with you for a shopping spree and spice up your autumn looks like a fashionista😎!
#sogohongkong #sogohongkongCWB #sogofashion #Versace #sale
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